Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Redken Rocks!

I used to wash my hair every single day. I thought it was normal. If I didn't wash it, it would feel all gritty and oily. I always wondered why my hair was really brittle and frizzy... until I found out that you're not supposed to wash your hair so often! After 20 and so years of constant washing, no wonder it was in the state it was in!

I switched from Pantene products to Matrix Sleek Look, as recommended by a hairdresser. I stopped washing frequently also, cutting down to two or three times a week. It made a little bit of a difference, mostly that my hair wasn't so oily even if it hadn't been washed in two days. Also, my scalp wasn't flaking as much. And my ends weren't so frizzy.

Recently, however, I've switched from Matrix to Redken Smooth Down. OMG. Their shampoo is awesome! After shampooing, I don't even feel like I need to condition my hair at all (even though I do)! It's such a light shampoo and does what it claims to do. I treat my hair weekly to the Smooth Down Butter Treat weekly as well, and it really, really makes a difference. I'm amazed at how much my hair has changed... from frizzy and brittle to soft and bouncy. Like, seriously! How can switching products make such a difference?! I totally love my hair now, it's well on it's way to looking more like Kim K's... yippee!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm Going to Lose Weight

You know what? If Jessica Alba is in her third trimester how in the hell can her belly bump be so small?! I've just entered my 6th month, so I'm a month off till I'm in the third trimester. Yet I am a heifer. Granted, first babies tend to be smaller and this is my second, so she does have that advantage. Plus she was going to the gym every ten seconds. But still. It doesn't make me feel good at all.

I have noticed that I look totally different. Like, my face has gained weight. Eww. At my best, I'm 56ish kgs. Right now I am 69kg. WTF? Before I was pregnant, I weighed about 60kgs. I was fairly happy with how I looked. Now I avoid mirrors like they're brussel sprouts. I totally hate how I look. I feel so frumpy. I don't look good, therefore I don't feel good. And the only way I'll feel good about myself is if I look good.

Hence my new ingenious plan to lose weight. That's right, I may be pregnant but I'm going to do it. Doctors do allow overweight pregnant ladies to lose weight to better their health, and since I weigh more than I usually do, I can class myself as overweight. I'm not going to do anything crazy. I'll keep it simple: excercise daily and keep an eye on my diet. That's all. Nothing drastic, I'm not going to do anything to harm my baby. I'm not, like, stupid!

So I weigh 69kgs now. My gaol is to whittle down to 65kgs or, failing that, just NOT gain anymore weight at all. AT ALL. So once the baby pops out I'll be able to get down to 56kgs easy peasy. Yay!