Thursday, May 15, 2008

Will I Have a Jelly Belly?

I'm getting really paranoid that my belly's gonna end up looking like this at the end of my pregnancy. Eek! Granted, the woman in the picture was pregnant with triplets, but still. This is my second pregnancy after all. They say that after getting pregnant the first time your abdominal muscles weaken and it's harder to regain your figure with each subsequent pregnancy. Uh-oh.

I have been slathering on Palmers Cocoa Butter Concentrated Stretch Mark Cream daily since 2 months ago, but I already have stretch marks from my previous pregnancy and this bump is a lot bigger than my last. Plus I'm fatter. So I am destined to have an ugly, loose jelly belly aren't I? *Sobs* Oh why oh why am I even having a baby? Sheesh! I've already got one, what am I gonna do with another?!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

8 Months of Gluttony

Yippee! I have just 2 more months to go before I pop out the baby and can get all skinny and sexy. As of lately I've been stuffing my face and sitting on my bum all day long. Seriously, I've turned into such a glutton. My only excuse is that I've just entered my 8th month of pregnancy (I'm catching up to Jessica Alba, apparently we're both due in June!) I'm so scared that I won't be able to lose all of the 14 kilos that I've gained thus far. I'm shaking from fear in my ugg boots as I cram M&Ms in my mouth. Eek!

I have discovered the official Kim Kardashian website, OMG, why hadn't I ever come across it before?! It was just what I needed when I actually found out about Kim. Her website has make-up tips and so much other useful facts, I LOVE IT!! I absolutely love it!

And speaking of make-up... I am 24 years old and have only recently discovered the girly delights of it! Back in high school and my early twenty's, I was never one to wear any make up. Ever. For one, I didn't need it, people told me I was pretty all the time, and two, I just didn't know how to apply it, and was too lazy to learn or care. But now, omg, take me to any cosmetic counter and I could happily spend all day there. I have spent more on make-up in the past 6 months than I have in the past 6 years! Can you believe it? Unfortunately, I don't actually get a chance to use it, as I'm so fat and frumpy and have been hiding away within these four walls. But I'm sure once the bub's out I'll lose weight and be back to my usual flashy self... I hope! Most likely it'll be that I'm too busy with bub to even contemplate a shower. Mmm, classy!